International Online Mediation Training

  • internationally certified (International Mediation Institute and Singapore International Mediation Institute)
  • certified by a university of applied science (International School of Management Germany), the International Mediation Institute, the Singapore International Mediation Institute and the International School of Management (ISM).
  • 40 hours live online sessions within 12 weeks
  • fair price system (course fee based on purchasing power of country of residence)
  • international trainer team from more than 35 countries
    International School of Management

    Target group


    Our international online mediation training is for

    • Negotiators facing difficult situations and manipulation
    • Managers who have to deal with conflicts in their team
    • Lawyers who want to expand their portfolio on the market
    • Members of NGOs who have to deal with endless discussions in their assemblies and blockades due to conflicts
    • Pioneers who want to support mediation worldwide and who are looking for an education system that is accessible to all


    The training course


    We are the first training institute worldwide to introduce a revolutionary pricing system. In order to allow access to everyone from anywhere, we offer a socially balanced payment system. The price for our mediation training is measured by the purchasing power of the country of your residence. Find out on the price for the country of your residence.

    The training is certified by the International Mediation Institute, the Singapore International Mediation Institute and the International School of Management (ISM).


    With this programme you will…
    • Improve your mediation and negotiation skills in a professional but also in a personal environment.
    • Improve communication with and within your team in order to intensify cooperation.
    • Resolve major conflicts and turn them into opportunities for greater impact.
    • Gain more efficiency in solving problems and managing complex projects to achieve your goals.
    • Expand your service portfolio to include new clients who need negotiation and mediation skills to solve their problems.
    • Become more culturally aware and adaptable in any international environment.
    • Expand your international network and become part of a global community.
    International Mediation Campus

    What you learn from us


    • Group of 20-30 people from different countries
    • 40 hours in 12 weeks
    • Meeting international standards
    • certificate of a university of applied science
    • Fair Price System (based on Purchasing Power)
    • Competencies: Knowledge, Skills, Self-Awareness*
    • Input by experienced mediators
    • Additional 60 hours Online Course Material (Self-Study)
    • Interactive Simulations
    • Supervision
    • Feedback-Sessions
    • Peer Group Sessions

    What you can do afterwards

    After completing the training, you are able to handle exceptional situations such as to deal with conflicts with colleagues, in a team, with employees and in private in a constructive manner and to bring about economic success solutions.

    You will be part of an international network of professionals from all over the world, enabling you to work in international teams.