“Practice makes the mediator” – This saying accompanied us all weekend in module 2 with Sabine Schnarrenberger and Imke Wulfmeyer. The 5 phases of mediation, the 5 pillars of mediation, moderation and the transition from the different mediation phases – these topics were the subject of our numerous exercises. We were able to bring in our own professional and private cases, work on fictitious cases and all practice as mediators as well as conflict parties. Through further input from the lecturers, such as creative methods, we got an idea of ​​how highly escalated conflicts or resignation can be solved. The spontaneous visit by Andrea Hartmann-Piraudeau, during which she gave us an insight into the findings of her doctoral thesis, brought along a third approach in addition to expertise in team mediation, by Sabine Schnarrenberger and in family mediation, by Imke Wulfmeyer. Andrea Hartmann-Piraudeau was able to share tips and experience from her business mediations during the exercises. Cognitive pearls that are collected at the end of each weekend were the difference between the textbook material for different types of mediations (business, family, teams), the great learning effect during the practical exercises and how important it is to prepare for the hand tools in to be able to fall back on any situation.